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2014 in Review: Fitness and Health Articles

2014 in Review: Fitness and Health Articles

As we look forward to 2015, let's look back and see what we covered last year.

This review of the articles posted to the FunFit website in 2014 let's us reflect on what we've learned, and allows us to get the most out of this year.

Let's get into to it! 🙂

FunFit Crew

Fitness (6 Articles)

Let's start with how to define fitness. A definition of fitness let's you set clear goals and measure your progress as objectively as possible.

Now that you know that strength is a fundamental component of fitness, you can figure out ‘how strong are you?' and see if you have any relative weaknesses you can focus on.

If you are just getting (back) into fitness or would like a refresher on how to get the most out of training, then please read this guide for beginners. (Or send the link to a friend!)

For those of you who've heard of Crossfit, or have been doing it for a while, please read my take on the pros and cons of Crossfit.

If you or someone you know is pregnant or considering it, please read this guide on how you can get the most out of training while pregnant – safely of course! (Please share!)

The Primal Blueprint is hands down one of the best lifestyle books out there. Read my review of this fundamental work.

little ninjas self defence

Self Defence/Martial Arts (3 Articles)

Understand the motivation behind self defence training.

Are you a parent? Please read this to help your kids keep themselves safe when they're out and about and are offered a lift. (Please share with other parents)

I'm often asked how to correctly tie a belt for martial arts. Here's a video to which you can refer.


Rehab/Prehab (4 Articles)

Move better. Improve your functionality. Reduce the likelihood or severity of injury. Prehab.

Sore lower back? It's often down to poor squat mechanics, weak and/or tight quads and glutes and tight hip flexors and hamstrings. Check out this video to help you do something about it!

Following up on the lower back, here's a 9 stretch sequence you can do with a band to maintain or improve your suppleness.

For those who like to integrate suppleness and strength dynamically, there's FlowFit. Move, play, flow!

Done something to yourself? Check this out so you know for sure – when to ice and when to use heat. (Thanks again to Chirotherapy for the guest post!)


Nutrition (2 Articles)

I have no problem with people criticising the Paleo Diet. What I do have a problem with is people misrepresenting the Paleo Diet (straw man) and then criticising what it isn't. Example here.

Just in case you missed it in the fitness section above – this is a fantastic book. Please (re)read my review.

Recipes (5 Articles)

Yummy things!

Delicious and low effort, slow cooked Turkey.

For the sweet tooth – gluten free, dairy free chocolate brownies.

Need breakfast ideas? How about banana pancakes?

Looking for a healthy snack? Look no further!

Choc Raspberry Cupcakes. Check this out – you won't regret it!

What are your thoughts on what you read in 2014?

I have a few ideas for 2015 – What would you like to see?