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Category: Articles

Setting boundaries book review: Where to draw the line by Anne Katherine

Boundary setting… that’s just about drawing a line around how much touch is acceptable on a first date – right? “Where to draw the line”...

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Which exercise professional is best for you

Which exercise professional is best for you? Not just their personality. 🙂 Each type of exercise professional has different scope of practice. Learn the difference....

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Back pain treatment – drug free!

Looking for effective back pain treatment? There can be multiple causes and multiple solutions. The first steps in any back pain treatment are: Diagnosis Figuring...

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5 minute mobility for hips and shoulders [VIDEO]

Mobility Poem. Use it or lose it But please don't abuse it Your body can do what you want When you choose it. Get up...

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Why train Olympic Lifts?

I have been asked the question: “Why train Olympic Lifts if you're not an Olympic Lifter?” Simple. Because they're awesome. Seriously though, it's a good...

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